I really like Open Source software. I use it a lot: Linux, apache, postfix, amavis-new, clamav, openSSL, openLDAP, PostgreSQL, PHP are just a few of the OSS products I have on my servers.
When developing JAVA, I use Eclipse, Ant, JUnit and heck even Java 🙂
OSS is actually very important for be, being a Freelance I/T consultant, it allows me to play with features, technologies and implementations, in an effective manner, without having to pay a lot in license fees!
I’m not a big committer. Not that I don’t want to, but usually when I hit a bug or a poorly implemented feature, I either accept it or code around it.
Only 3 times since I started using OSS for the first time in about 2002 have I been in a situation where I had something to contribute with:
- Some missing Locale handling in Struts. I was just about to submit a patch when I discovered someone else had done just that a few days before.
- A bug in Stripes – also related to Locales – rendering some of the features useless if the Locale does not contain a valid country code. This was somewhat accepted by Tim Fennel and made it into version 1.4.
- A serious performance problem in Hibernates WebSphere transaction adaptor. This I fixed and submitted as a patch and then the story being told here is about to begin.
Apart from that, I try to contribute with helpful comments when I see someone report a problem I’ve seen and possibly solved myself. At least to let the other users know there are others with the same problem.
Does it make me a bad person? I think not – I’m no more different than 99.99% of all other OSS users.
This blog entry (or article) is meant as a warning to anyone who considers making a contribution to a major open source product.
The conclusion
To start with the conclusion – here’s what I’ve learnt from trying to “do the right thing” and submit a patch to an OS project:
- Don’t expect to be treated with any respect at all, unless you are already a known committer – “one of the guys”.
- If you do commit anything, expect that you are to be considered the maintainer of the feature from that point on.
- Expect to have your name and personal email specified as author of source and comments that you have not written.
- Be aware that when you submit anything, the project owner can do with it as he pleases; even break the implementation, and still call the bug fixed…
- Be aware, that if you do not agree with the King of the project, he can call you anything he likes, telling that you are being spiteful and things that are worse.
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