Salesforce wsc: upsert null fields


The salesforce upsert() call  is brilliant for interfacing legacy systems with Salesforce, especially if the data you are going to replicate into already contains some sort of unique identification.

  • It will create records that does not exist, and update records that does exist, given the unique id.
  • It allows updating up to 200 records in one batch returning create-/update status for each individual item.
  • It’s fast – can easily push more than 100,000 records/hour, depending on object type.

Basically the upsert() operation is nice and easy to use; it will happily set or change almost any field in your Salesforce based CRM solution.

But, how do you null (or “blank”) previously set fields?

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Salesforce wsc: ConnectionException should have been Fault

This is the first article where I discuss details or issues using wsc (JAVA) on an Oracle WebLogic platform to integrate Customer Legacy systems with Salesforce CRM.

In some environments (specifically the WLS 10.3.5 used as production environment at my current Customer) the wsc infrastructure throws a ConnectionException ( Unexpected element) in situations where it should actually return a Fault (com.sforce.soap.enterprise.fault.ApiFault).

I have tried to mock a similar environment in order to demonstrate the problem to no avail.

But, I have discovered why the problem arises – it has to do with the infrastructure related to the Transport.isSuccessful().
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usl4j – Ultra Simple Logging for JAVA

Back in the late 90’ties when I started programming JAVA there were no standard way of logging in JAVA programs.

One usually just used System.out.println(), System.err.println() and Exception.printStacktrace(). Often applications would build homemade logging frameworks that would also log information about timestamp etc, possibly logging to files and whatnot.

Later lots of different logging frameworks came about, e.g. JLog, log4j, commons-logging just to name a few. Larger application frameworks would supply their own logging framework; sometimes just repackaged versions of commons-logging or log4j.

When jdk 1.4 (a.k.a J2SE) was released, it contained a standard logging framework, and as far as I remember, this was actually based on the IBM Aphaworks developed JLog framework.

I thought that people would now stop using other third-party logging frameworks and just use jdk-logging, but no, a lot of people were angry that the JLog framework was chosen (and not log4j) and people would continue to use log4j. Other would use commons-logging, giving a simpler API and a “lightweight” solution towards not actually deciding on which logging framework to use.

Even another logging framework would see the day, because some people didn’t agree with neither jdk-logging, log4j or commons-logging and would still have the possibility to actually use either as the logging implementation: slf4j (Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)).

Personally, when I’m writing JAVA applications, I try to use as few third-party libraries as possible and use whatever the platform provides me. This in most cases means I will use jdk-logging as logging framework.
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Simple logarithm implementation in PIC assembler

Most natural observations are exponentational/logarithmic in nature.

I often do simple hardware using Microchip PIC processors (usually 12F or 16F families). Hardware doing some business in the home.

One such example is my Christmas-tree-lightning-controller. Basically it only turns my electric Christmas-tree-lights on when I want to see them on…



In order to do this, it needs to measure the out-door light. It uses an accumulation cell (of 8 samples) and a moving average register with 8 cells: Light or darkness is determined from 8 accumulated samples of “10-bits light” averaged through the latest 8×8 samples…

8×8 samples of 10-bits equals 6 bits of 10bits equals 16 bits…

So the output of the moving average register is at most 16 bits wide and should pose no problems on a modern microcontroller.

Unfortunately, the small PIC micros are not very good at “multi-byte” calculations why the 16-bit result is a bit awkward to deal with. And my simple experiments indicates that light-level comparisons should be measured on a “percentage change” basis and not as an absolute comparison.

If I could just do a simple 8-bit logarithm function of the 16-bit absolute result, I would be able to do simple percentage comparisons of different light level measurements by simple subtraction of 8-bit values. Even the simples PIC’s can do subtraction of 8-bit values without special engineered software subroutines 🙂

Being inspired by the µLaw compression schemes used in Telephony, I wrote this little routine, that basically calculates 16×log2(x), where x is some 16-bit value and the result is an 8-bit value. Simulating the calculations in software gives a maximum error of 1-bit on the result.

; NOTE: Variables wi, r0 and r1 are 
; defined elsewhere in on-chip RAM
; log2: calcuate r0 = approx 16*log2(r1:r0). 
; wi, r1 destroyed
        movlw   16
        movwf   wi
; loop
        bcf     STATUS,C
        rlf     r0,f
        rlf     r1,f    ; C affected
        decfsz  wi,f    ; Z affected
        btfsc   STATUS,C
        goto    log2_done
        goto    log2_loop
; done
        movlw   0xf0
        andwf   r1,w
        iorwf   wi,w
        movwf   r0
        swapf   r0,f

The simpe logarithm shown above I’ve used lots of different places. If You want to know how or why it works, don’t hesistate to put a comment below.

Unfortunately, my Christmas-tree-lights-controller is not (yet) perfect, as sudden, heavy light seems to overflow the moving averager. In other words, when the terrorist children living next-door are having fun with fireworks, the lights on my outdoor Christmas tree blinks in its own secret manner 🙂

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Locking a row, portable between databases, with JDBC

A couple of years ago I was with a project designing a system to manage Investor Meetings.

An Investor must have a valid Pass in order to join a Meeting. Each Pass has a unique serial number.

It was a major issue and lots of things were tried to ensure that different Passes did not have the same number and that numbers were not “lost”. The system had to be “fast”, being able to create lots of Passes for different Meetings for different Organizations at the same time. Serializing transactions on central database tables was not an option.

For some reason, a simple “SELECT … FOR UPDATE” would not do the trick.

At one point it was decided to use database sequences. Each meeting would have a sequence for generating the Pass-numbers.

This proved to a bad idea too, as creating and destroying sequences are relatively slow operations and the system experienced deadlocks from time to time. Also, sequences are generally not rolled back when transactions are, and Pass-numbers would be “lost”.

I decided I would try to figure out why the simple “SELECT … FOR UPDATE” did not work and what database I could actually get it to work with.

This blog-entry is about my findings with different databases: DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Apache Derby and HSQLDB.
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Squareroot (sqrt) with BigDecimal

Recently I was refactoring some code from using double to using BigDecimal and suddenly needed a square root method.

I remembered years ago I was taught a simple “successive approximation” method; believe it was grammar school.

I searched the net and found the “Babylonian method” (which is actually a “Newton-Raphson method” implementation). This is the method I was taught and I present a BigDecimal-implementation here.
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Implementing a simple database semaphore

In this article I will describe a simple technique that enables you to implement an “exclusive lock” in a distributed, even clustered, environment.

The technique works with all major databases, and should work with any database that has a reasonable implementation of the isolation level “READ COMMITTED”.

It works with PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle and Apache Derby (JavaDB) and possibly others.

The technique can be used to serialize access to a specific entity or object graph in a system, where several application servers share a common database.
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Financial (monetary) computations using floating point arithmetic [in JAVA]

In this article, I will discuss some of the issues in doing financial calculations in JAVA.

The issues are not related to JAVA only, but to any calculation done in a “computer language” using binary floating point arithmetic, including calculations done in spreadsheets like Excel (see References).

In JAVA, the issues can be solved by using the java.math.BigDecimal type, that has been vastly improved in JAVA 5. But compared to similar implementations using the native double type, the code is clumsy and performance suffers.
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Securing J[2]EE applications, part 3

In this third article, the samples are modified to be run on JBoss (4.0.3+) and JavaDB (Derby version 10.2).

The first article showed how to setup Glassfish authentication with only a single database table.

The second article evovled the simple setup into a more mature setup, where users, logins and roles/groups are separated.
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Securing J[2]EE applications, part 2

The first part, Securing J[2]EE applications, part 1, discusses a simple setup where a single database table, 2 views and a correctly configured jdbcRealm could handle the most basic authentication and authorization requirements.

This second article discusses a few enhancements to the first setup, enabling more complex user and group setup scenarios. This article discusses the possible difference between a user and a login and describes a setup where any user can be assigned to any group.

Last but not least, the 2 articles together show the strength of using views to encapsulate database infrastructure, as the jdbcRealm does not need any configuration changes at all, to accommodate the different setups.
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