Tag Archives: Salesforce
Salesforce wsc (sfdc-wsc): new release 23 coming
The current situation is a mess. There are now 3 known versions of the sfdc-wsc tool: The one at http://code.google.com/p/sfdc-wsc which I’m currently maintaining. The one at http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.force.api/force-wsc – don’t know who’s maintaining that but it seems alive. Then Victor … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc hacking: yet another Open Source encounter?
As I wrote in an earlier post I’ve volunteered to become a committer to the wsc tool and are in the progress of making minor tweaks and enhancements for a coming release 23. My plan was that this release should … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc hacking: new committer
Ok, things change rapidly sometimes. The short story is that I wrote directly to the Owners of the WSC tool in order to get some information about when changes could be expected. The response was basically that they no longer … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc hacking: getting rid of SessionTimedOutException
The SoapConnection java class sports a private static inner Exception, the SessionTimedOutException. This Exception is used internally only to quickly pass control from the parseDetail() method back to the send() method. This is bad practice, using an Exception to control … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc hacking: adding RequestTimedOutException
I have a number of situations where a RequestTimedOutException would be appropriate instead of just a ConnectionException when SoapConnection.send() encounters a SocketTimeoutException. This would ease retry implementations (related to timeouts) in that they would only have to consider a special … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc hacking: removing compiler warnings
I hate compiler warnings. These little yellow warning signs in Eclipse annoys me. I will go far to avoid compiler warnings in my own code. But what about generated code? Actually generated code is the worst as it does not … Continue reading
Salesforce JAXB: Using wsimport to generate client artifacts
The Salesforce developer documentation provides JAVA examples based on WSC. WSC is a nice tool that makes interfacing to SFDC simple and easy, providing an EnterpriseConnection hiding all the details in calling SFDC. But, WSC might not be for you: … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc: upsert null fields
The salesforce upsert() callĀ is brilliant for interfacing legacy systems with Salesforce, especially if the data you are going to replicate into already contains some sort of unique identification. It will create records that does not exist, and update … Continue reading
Salesforce wsc: ConnectionException should have been Fault
This is the first article where I discuss details or issues using wsc (JAVA) on an Oracle WebLogic platform to integrate Customer Legacy systems with Salesforce CRM. In some environments (specifically the WLS 10.3.5 used as production environment at my … Continue reading